European Day of languages
We need you to raise awarness on endangered languages
The Centre Maurits Coppieters is launching a campaign on the occasion of the European Day of languages. It aims to raise awareness on importance of cultural diversity and protection of endangered languages. The campaign is based on the findings of Approaches to a Cultural footprint: First attempt to set a theoretical framework allowing for a serious and systemic analysis of impact of public policiy outcomes in cultural diversity.

- Jarrai gaitzazu YOUTUBEn!
- Eusko Alkartasuna
- Gazte Abertzaleak
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- Fundazio politikoen gardentasun-rankinga / Ranking de fundaciones
- EAren dokumentazioa artxiboan/ Documentación de EA en el archivo:
- Draft proposal by Eusko Alkartasuna to expedite a sovereign agreement favouring the independence of Euskal Herria